TED Talk | Model Ebonee Davis Calls Out the Fashion Industry & Demands A New Standard of Beauty

TED Talk | Model Ebonee Davis Calls Out the Fashion Industry & Demands A New Standard of Beauty

After Alton Sterling was murdered by police last summer, Ebonee Davis wrote a letter to the fashion industry highlighting the duty fashion media has to help change the perception of black people. In her impassioned talk, she further explores this idea as she recalls her experiences as a black model in the industry.

Model Ebonee Davis recently gave an incredibly moving TEDx Talk at the University of Nevada, and it says all of the things that are on our hearts as Black women in media. With poise, clarity and passion, Ebonee described in detail the (seemingly) insurmountable odds and inexcusable ignorance she's faced through her career in fashion, even after landing the gigs of her dreams like a national Calvin Klein modeling contract. Said Davis via her Instagram post about the talk:

"If you knew how much I've overcome to get to this point, you'd understand what I'm feeling right now.
You'd understand what this moment means.
I didn't even love myself a year ago.
I was still trying to be something I'm not to fit a mold that wasn't made for me.
This journey, this evolution into self-love is something I wish for each and every person on this planet.
Keep dreaming.
Keep pushing.
Keep resisting.
Don't let anyone tell you your dreams aren't valid. 
I dedicate this to Malcolm, Martin, Assata, Pac, Lauryn, my great-grandfather 'Big Daddy' rest in peace and above all GOD.
Thank you for giving my life purpose.
Thank you for the platform.
Thank you for the mic.
Thank you for the voice.
Thank you for the words.
Before I stepped out on stage I said, "use me." and that's exactly what he did.
All glory to God.


We are so proud and inspired by you, Ebonee! Keep your head up, girl, and know that you're not alone. "We go forth alone, and stand as 10,000." — Maya Angelou.

Issue No.02 — The Love Issue
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Issue No.02 — The Love Issue
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