16 Must-Follow Kinky/Curly Instagrammers

16 Must-Follow Kinky/Curly Instagrammers

"Instagrammer" is officially a noun, and it's easier than ever to get lost in a sea of kinky/curly inspiration. 

Narrowing down the pool of hair goals and smize does get overwhelming (oh, the endless amount of bold naturals!)  but NaturallyCurly.com is giving us a hand in the form of shiny coils, snatched edges and perfectly untamed frizz. 

Your day of Insta-creeping just got a whole lot better.

Hop over to NaturallyCurly.com's list, and get ready to pick up your jaw! If you need some extra hairspo, check out our recent post for the best wash and go method around.


"How a Racist System Has Poisoned the Water in Flint, Mich." via The Root

"How a Racist System Has Poisoned the Water in Flint, Mich." via The Root

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